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Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Setting Up

Hello, my name is Alex and I am going to show you how to create a mod for minecraft forge 1.11.2. There's not a lot of tutorials on 1.11 so I am creating one for those that want to get started.

If you are updating from 1.8/1.9, then I will show you how to update to 1.11 later on. For now, let's just stick to the very beginning of our mod. The mod that we are going to make is a mod that has ores, items, tools, armour, oregen, biomes, mobs, chest loots, special blocks, special items, and others at request.

To start off you will need to go to the minecraft forge website and download the latest.

Here is the link to the list of minecraft forge releases. Choose 1.11 Minecraft, and download the MDK.

Next go to the JDK download screen here, and the JRE here. Download and install those two components and you should be ready to go in no time.

Next is downloading Java Eclipse from here. Just download and install it and you'll soon be ready to start coding.

Before we start coding we have to create a folder on our desktop and call it whatever you want, as for me I will be calling it "Tutorial". Next, extract your forge zip folder and once it is done, highlight and drag and drop all the files and folders into our newly created folder. Once it is all done migrating, create a batch file and call it "run.bat". Right click > Edit, and once the window opens, type in,

gradlew setupDecompWorkspace eclipse

Save it, and run the batch file by double clicking it. Once you have ran and completed it, then you have just successfully set up minecraft forge for mod development.



This part of the code calls on the other batch file in the folder, created by the felllas at Forge, that has all the commands needed to prepare the environment, and even change it and update it to another version.


This part of the code basically sets up the workspace environment that we will be developing in. It creates all the necessary folders and files that are decompiled from objects to classes to java files. It creates the "src" folder that we will be relying on heavily throughout this series.


This creates the Java Eclipse environment in a folder called "eclipse". This also sets up the Java Project that will be in the environment that we will be making our mod in.

gradlew setupDecompWorkspace eclipse

Altogether, they create the entire project environment necessary for minecraft modding.

=========================================Common Errors=======================================
Error #1: Command line interface opens and closes immediately

    A good way to figure out what is going on here is to shift-right-click in the mod environment (aka: the folder created at the beginning) and select "Open Command Window Here". Re-enter the gradlew command as stated above and look at the log it gives you. Right click and in the command window, and select "Mark". Highlight the entire log, and right click, copy, and paste it into a text file. You can see it there. I recommend going to google for the answers first before sending me any logs. If you have come to a last resort situation, then you may email me the log here.*

Error #2: Build Failed with and Exception

    This is a case of a typo. If you get this, then most likely what you did was you misspelled something in your batch file. Check it again, and make sure it is all spelled correctly.


  1. You shall also specify that people must run this with Java 64 bits, since Java 32 bits is limited to 1.5GB of RAM (and Gradle uses approximately 3GB)

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